Shalem’s partnership with Wrap Canada allows us to offer Wrap Canada’s WrapAround Facilitator training. Trainings are given by Mark Vander Vennen, MA, M.Ed, R.S.W., Shalem’s WrapAround program trainer and coach and Co-Director of Wrap Canada’s WrapAround Training...
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Why WrapAround? Why WrapAround? from Shalem Mental Health Network on Vimeo.
Canadian High Fidelity WrapAround
Journal of Relational Child and Youth Care Practice, 2014 Lauren Wallace, Andrew Debicki, Mark Vander Vennen, Elske de Visch Eybergen Although the WrapAround process has been used in social services in Canada for some time, the literature remains focused on...
Shalem Mental Health Network Winner of a Spirit of Hope Award and Non-Profit of the Year Award
Shalem Mental Health Network recently has had a lot to celebrate! This year Shalem received two prestigious awards from two esteemed Hamilton organizations: the St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation and the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. Both recognize outstanding...