Our Counselling Assistance Plan (CAP) is an affordable program that enables churches, schools, and non-profits to make short-term professional Christian counselling, workshops, and resources available to your members and staff.

Through our faith-informing practices, we have modelled the CAP on Employee Assistance Plans (EAP), a program widely offered by companies to their employees as a support to mental wellbeing.

      • CAP helps staff and members navigate through challenging times when their usual ways of coping no longer seem to work.
      • CAP extends your desire to support your staff and members.
      • CAP can support your organization’s existing care ministry and programs:
          • Providing an established avenue for clergy and leaders to refer people with challenges beyond their expertise;
          • Providing an opportunity for people who are not yet comfortable with sharing their challenges with their pastors and leaders to receive help;
          • Providing people with the skills and resources to engage more fully in churches, schools, and organizations.
      • CAP decreases the burden on pastors and leaders when issues require professional support.

For a discovery call with one of our team members, please contact Tom Janzi [email protected]

If you are a member of a CAP church and would like to set up an appointment, you can do that here.